Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Salary Slip/ Pay Slip consists of three parts, first part consists of your personal details like company name, employee name, bank a/c no & name, PF a/c no, days of work etc. Second part contains your salary components like Basic pay, HRA, Conveyance allowance, etc, and deductions like provident fund, ESIC (it is optional and applicable for those whose annual income is less than Rs.100000/-). Third and last part contains your attendance which includes days in month, absent days and days paid.

Salary Structure

Basic Salary:
House Rent Allowance: X % of Basic, in this case it is 60% of Basic Salary, i.e. 60% of 2700/- which amounts to 1755/- .   **HRA depends upon the city you are working in.
Personal Allowance:

Provident Fund: 12% of Basic (in this case it is 324).
ESIC: (Optional).

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